See news stories from around the world from a global network of our FREESPEAK community, reporting on stories just as they unfold, told with true understanding and real emotion.Hard hitting news brought from the heart of the Story.FREESPEAK is a revolutionary news app, that brings guerrilla journalism to the mainstream, it adds a new dimension to the world of news reporting, it brings news told through the eyes of ordinary people living the stories, just as they unfold, it brings news that is raw, gritty, unbiased and without outside influence. Revolutionary video-only global news app – Future of news reporting. Stories are reported by the users, it resolves the need to have news reporters in every corner of the world by giving the power of news reporting to the people, potentially making the 6+ billion population the eyes and ears of the world – which we believe will provide protection and safety by reporting injustices and forcing global action.Community Fact Checking.The accuracy of the news reported is vital to us and our community, therefore we at FREESPEAK have developed a ground-breaking Community Fact Checking feature, where the FREESPEAK community works together to rate the accuracy of the stories being reported. This is a power open community news app.News feed & social change.News is shown in chronological order, so users see the news as they unfold, there are no topics of interests, profile building, personalised news feed for users to see news reports they are only interested in, FREESPEAK shows you the stories of everyone in this world, to make us all better aware of the world we live in. Our aim is to make our world a fairer society and bring human beings closer together as one global community.The App – Simple. Quick. User Friendly.The app allows users to record news stories using the built-in app filming function, or uploading from their phone gallery, users can then annotate to add context and post. There are no profiles set ups, likes, messaging/comments, the only function of the app is to share and see the events of world and how the lives of our fellow human beings are affected. FREESPEAK is a free civilian journalism app, available across the world. It allows anyone with a smartphone to report their stories, give their own insights and add to the context with real emotion and understanding. The app gives users the ability to shine a light on news stories that are too often ignored by the mainstream media, bringing news from the heart of the story. The app allows news to be reported just as it unfolds, making anyone with a smartphone a potential reporter, so nothing is missed. Events can be recorded and uploaded for the world to see. With FREESPEAK there is no need for people to hope for someone to come and tell their stories, it hands the power of mainstream journalism to the people. FREESPEAK is a community news app that aims to revolutionise the world of news reporting.